Meet the ApollyCon Wordsmith Scholarship Board

Jennifer L. Armentrout, Scholarship Founder

I’m the author of too many genres, a wanna-be gardener, wrangler of six mean alpacas, and owner of ApollyCon. If we cross paths at the event and I don’t appear to see you, it’s because I actually cannot see you until you’re awkwardly close to me. So, please, come and say hi!

Nita Banks, Apollycon Operations Coordinator

I’m new to the ApollyCon team but not new to books. Since 2012, I have been a book editor, blogger, visual content creator, and ARC and beta reader for many authors (large and small). I am also a certified StrengthsFinder coach and have used that skill to assist several authors in maximizing their talents.  I enjoy helping people and love meeting new friends in whatever space they come in.

Steph Brown, Operations Support and Influencer Coordinator

I have been with ApollyCon since its inception and served as the Event Coordinator for many years. Currently, I am the Operations Support and Influencer Coordinator. I ensure that Apollycon functions successfully by providing critical support resolution during the event. I also started the influencer program and coordinate the outreach of the ApollyInfluencers to ensure that there is sufficient “buzz” about it in social spaces such as Instagram and TikTok.

Matt Dellisola, Volunteer Liaison and Signing Coordinator

Matt is a lifelong lover of love, he discovered romance books in college, and just like any other interest in his life, he quickly became obsessed. Romance authors were the new rockstar and he wanted nothing more than to be a groupie. Traveling cross country became a norm to attend book signings that were popping up everywhere. He made lifelong friends and annual events like ApollyCon felt more like a family reunion than a convention. Overtime attending turned into assisting, turned into volunteering, and Matt built up an eclectic skill set that he carries over to his day job as a hairstylist.  He loves books, he loves signings, but most of all he loves the book community, and hopes that everyone can experience the friendships, love, and kindness that he felt when he was welcomed into the book world so many years ago. Nowadays you can find him at ApollyCon excited to meet new friends or catch up with old ones.

Vonetta Young, Program Coordinator

Vonetta has been in the book community for 10+ years as a reader, blogger and ARC reader. She has always loved reading and grew up reading Christopher Pike, Richie T Cusick and Stephen King. She loved talking to others about her favorite books  and wanted to get to know authors and fangirl over them, so she started going to book conventions and found her people! She has attended Apollycon over the last seven years as an attendee and volunteer and has found lifelong friends through the book community that she will cherish forever. She is excited to be able to give back to a convention that has given her so much over the years.

Click here to learn more about the scholarship

Please contact if you have any questions about this award.

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