2026 ApollyCon Author Sign-Ups Now Open

March 19, 2025

Jennifer L. Armentrout and ApollyCon are thrilled to announce that the author interest form for Apollycon 2026 is now open.

If you are an author interested in attending ApollyCon at the Gaylord National (National Harbor, MD) from April 23 to 26, 2026, please complete the attached form.


Readers: feel free to share this post with your favorite authors you’d love to see at ApollyCon!

*Once the Attending Author and Vendor announcement has been made, the interest form will be utilized as a waitlist if we need to fill tables.  We will not always re-fill tables due to cancellations, depending on several factors, including how close we are to the event date.

*You can also find these forms linked on our social media platforms.

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